วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 29 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

How well do teachers use computers?

How well do teachers use computers?
Information and communications technology offers students a new learning tool. But is learning enhanced by the availability and use of computers or have they become high-powered and high-priced devices to simply store information rather than build technical skills?
The majority of school principals (76%) reported that more than 75% of teachers possessed the required technical skills to use computers for administrative purposes - preparing report cards, taking attendance and recording grades. However, fewer than half of school principals felt that the majority of teachers had the necessary skills to integrate computers into their lesson plans or to engage their students in the use of computers to enhance learning.
There was no real difference across elementary and secondary school teachers with respect to the percentages able to use computers for administrative purposes. However, a smaller proportion of principals of secondary schools (39%) felt that 75% or more of the teachers possessed the required technical skills to foster students’ effective use of computers, compared to 49% of principals of elementary schools. This may partly reflect the fact that computer applications tend to be more advanced at the secondary school level.
Private, small and rural schools were less likely to report that many teachers possessed the required technical skills for preparing report cards, taking attendance or recording grades than their public, large and urban counterparts.

