Why Utilize Computers in the Classroom
Most schools will require a teacher to incorporate computer into the grade level curriculum. The new teacher may need assistance deciding how to do this on a daily basis. Some teachers are hesitant to introduce computer time into the classroom, because they view computer time as a form of "free time" or they may not be confident in their own computing skills. However, when governed and lead properly integrating computer time into the classroom will have several benefits.
Here are the benefits of using computers in the classroom:
Students gain word processing skills when learning to write on the computer.
Working on computers fosters collaboration between students and between student and teacher.
Often leaders emerge who really enjoy computers and can help others.
Computer time promotes problem solving skills.
Computer time increases responsibility and independence.
Students have a natural form of discovery and often learn by trial and error.
Computers can reinforce or even teach instruction through integrating across the curriculum. For example, if you are teaching a science unit about penguins, then students will have prior knowledge about them and can go to a scientific website to learn more about rare variations of penguins.